Favorites, of sorts
Since this is my blog, and my way of expressing my thoughts, I thought I’d give myself the freedom to write about what I actually want to write about. Today that something is books. I’ve chosen my favourite books that are written by women who are accomplished in the fields that I feel I’d like to work in e.g. journalism and the entertainment industry. I’ve already written a piece on literary canon vs. young adult literature and I’m not going to re-iterate my point any further than just saying that these books are ones that I have discovered within the past few years, and ones that I currently hold close to my heart, my “classics”. There’ll be no Harry Potter or Eragon on this list, as this is my attempt at introducing some of my favourites that are not totally guessable. I’m pretty sure me hyping the Harry Potter books on this blog would be like going around telling people the sky is blue. We are all aware they are good books, just like the sky is blue and grass is green. Now enjo...