Film Favourites: July Edition
Ever since I was a child, the way I've watched movies is by watching them with my family. This has largely continued up until now, since I am a very bad solo-watcher and can never seem to finish a film or a TV-show if there's no one else with me. When I got to film school everyone kept talking about classics and mentioning movies I knew I should've seen but I hadn't. So now I have a list on my phone of what movies I need to see eventually, and I'm trying to work my way through. As a bit of a motivator I've decided to collect my favorites of every month and provide some kind of a review of them in case anyone else is interested in seeing some of them! These films are not necessarily from the list, and might just be something I happened to see or was recommended to me, so do not quote me on the "classics" part! It goes against all of my writers instincts to post something that is essentially me expressing my opinion on a film, because I still find it ...