Claiming back my body
Hi everyone! I'm currently stuck in the most horrible limbo of all, and that is the limbo of having no job, no place to study, and nothing to do! My flight to Scotland is on the 4th of September, and so until then I have the entirety of August absolutely free. Most of this month has gone by already, thank goodness, but I still have about two weeks left. I don't mean that I'm somehow too eager to go because I don't like anyone here anymore, definitely not! I just hate being in that liminal place where I'm not really doing anything with a purpose and am mostly just wasting time at home. Something as exciting as moving to another country is really difficult to wait patiently for. Anyway, as some of you might know, I got a tattoo about three weeks ago. It was a gift from my dear friend, and I'm still absolutely in love with it. As many people have already asked me about the meaning of it, I figured I might as well write a post about it since its not that easy of...