Socks and vegan food - Seoul Trip Day 11
31/5 22:57 Helloooo. Today was a super slow day as I've sort of ran out of things I can think of doing (which I'm aware is ridiculous in such a huge city like Seoul, but a lot of the stuff that's cool here is cooler with friends present). Basically I just wanted to go to Myeongdong and eat a hot meal somewhere, which, fair enough, did take all day (but mostly because I left at like 4pm). The reason I wanted to go back to Myeongdong is because the underground shopping center has the best deal on socks ever. Legit, it's 10,000 won for 11 pairs and they're really good quality! That's 7 pounds for 11 pairs of socks, I'm almost tempted to go get another 11 but I won't fit it in my suitcase. Another reason for Myeongdong was the Style Nanda Pink Hotel. Style Nanda is a huge Korean fashion chain that also has it's own make up line called 3CE. It's fairly expensive, but I wanted to go for the aesthetics. The whole building is 6 stories tall, decorat...