On hating other girls
I'm being really honest right now. I know I pride myself in being a feminist and I firmly believe in lifting up female excellence. But I've had to face the fact, in the last year or so, that I have internalized misogyny that I've been carrying for a while now. I don't condone hate, and I don't want people to think I'm without fault and without flawed thinking while I go around feeling this way about other girls. So I wanted to write something about it. This is a complex issue, and I'm still not quite sure how to express the thoughts I have. I have found myself disliking other girls, and not just in the past. I don't know what it is, that particularly annoys me about other girls. I don't want to use the word " other " as somehow setting me apart from the female population. I just mean girls that are girly, as opposed to how I see myself (more of a floater in between). I know that I don't feel this towards boys. This is most likely beca...