
I have over 6 half written posts stuck in the drafts-section of this blog because I cannot seem to finish anything. Everything I try to write, I just leave unfinished because I don't think anyone will want to read it, and that its boring and I should just stop trying. I hate feeling like I have no direction with what I'm creating and thats why I'm sorry I've been quiet for a while. I don't really know what to say.

I have a lot of topics I've been trying to tackle. Anxiety, self-reflection, getting my driving license, leaving to study in another country, but the time doesn't feel right for any of those things. So instead I'm just gonna do what I do best, and that is complain. Enjoy my rage.

Firstly. As you know, the US Supreme Court passed the marriage equality law a few days ago. As a result of this, and a result of Pride being a few days after this momentous occasion, and because the world apparently does revolve around America, Facebook created some sort of rainbow-profile pic changer that allows an individual to cover their profile picture with a semi-transparent rainbow flag. This is all good and well, I'm glad Facebook showed support and I can't really see anything bad with it. But some people clearly did.

Now, I see my fair share of homophobic and just plain ignorant posts and comments on my Facebook feed. I knew that as Pride season rolled around, and especially after the massive US decision things would get a bit more intense. But sometimes I truly am astounded by the ignorance of adults. I don't mean kids should be excused for bigotry, but they aren't fully responsible for themselves yet. What is the worst is when adults, people who have kids, exhibit this kind of behavior on Facebook.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion. But really, really, do you think at all before you post things? Posts complaining about the rainbow-flagged profile pictures bring to mind a particular finnish saying, which roughly translates into "why are you peeing in everyones cereal?". Basically, its none of your goddamn business and really its not affecting your life in any massive way so keep your mouth shut and stop pissing on other people's lives.

People who do not accept homosexuality have their reasons to do so, and I know that often when people try to defend their pro-gay opinions to these people it turns into a fight where the opposing party feels like every opinion that isn't pro-gay is being systematically silenced by the entire system (the news, social media, government etc.). I'm sure you have your proof of these things, and I'm sorry you feel like your personal life and/or marriage is negatively affected by people with rainbow profile pictures. But think about it before you publicly complain about it. Is it really worth it? Is this opinion of yours SO IMPORTANT that you want to make people feel like shit?

It makes me so sad to see this stuff happen. The other day I saw a post one of my relatives had commented on. It was a woman who basically said "I feel like puking from all of these rainbow profile pictures, just goes to show how people act in masses". Firstly, ma'am, I'm so sorry that multiple colors in the same picture make you feel nauseous. You should see a doctor about that probably. My second issue with this post was that every protesting opinion in the comments was met with her answer, that basically was "Stop bullying me. Go away."

Listen here, if you're gonna post a stupid-ass thing on Facebook you have to understand people are going to react to it negatively. Its logical in my mind that if you're going to post a controversial opinion on any social media you should be ready for backlash and more importantly ready to have constructive discussions about it. Its just plain dumb to post something like that and then not be ready to back it up with anything. Unless you explicitly state "please do not try to ask me about this I don't want to discuss it", people are going to want to.

I've noticed some of my Facebook friends, specifically older men such as relatives and people I know through my parents seem to seek out news and discussions about this specific topic. Like its not enough that you defend your opinion and complain about the "homosexualization of society" on things that appear on your own timeline, but you seek old news articles about these things and then go on your rampage there too. I've seen several instances of this during the past week. Old news stories from magazines from 2014 and 2013 suddenly appearing on my Facebook feed because someone I know has gone and commented on it. How do you find the time and motivation to do this? Did you log on to your computer in the morning with only the goal of finding some more pro-gay articles that you could to comment on? What satisfaction does this give you?

It hurts me to think that these people have kids. Yes, you're probably a great parent and your kids do deserve a parent that cares about them. But have you thought for even a second what it would be like for your child to be in the closet, and witness EVERYDAY you spreading your hatefulness. Every comment, every "like" you give yet another hate post, those must feel like knives, stabbed into your child's chest. Actions have consequences, and I'd hate to have my child constantly feel like they could not tell me everything for their fear of me completely rejecting them.

Another post, that really made me laugh and itch to comment, after which I was just angry, was a picture someone shared. It was the confederate flag (representative of slavery in the US), the Nazi flag (I don't think I have to explain why this one is bad), and the rainbow-flag all mashed together. The caption went something like "All three diseases together. Racism, Nazism and homosexuality".



You're equating two instances of THE MASSACRE OF MILLIONS OF INNOCENT PEOPLE to homosexuality. I don't give a shit if you thought it was a joke-y post. You are ignorant, and that picture disgusts me. Do you understand that there surely are people who wholeheartedly agree with your shitty post? People who really believe that men loving men and women loving women is AS BAD AS THE FUCKING HOLOCAUST. I'm getting angry just writing about this.

Another, rather ridiculous example of the lengths people go to defend their opinions is an American couple who said that if the marriage equality law goes through, they will divorce. That is dedication. You must really hate the gays if you're going to destroy your marriage if they get the right to get married too. Though, my apologies if this insults you, I don't think your marriage was very stable to begin with if you're willing to destroy it for this reason. You go on about the sanctity of marriage and yet you're throwing away yours? I know this is an extreme example but really there are people like this. Like that pastor who said he would set himself on fire if the bill passed. GEE YOU SURE SEEM TO VALUE YOUR LIFE if the rights of a group you're opposed to makes you want to hurt yourself.

I don't know if I should laugh or cry or do both. This is ridiculous. When you show me ACTUAL PHYSICAL EVIDENCE (not various inconclusive studies done in the 80's and 90's) of how marriage equality and homosexuality in general directly affect your life negatively, maybe then I will talk to you about this. But really, if your opinion is purely because of religious reasons then consider loving your neighbors as you love yourself, and treating others as you want to be treated and stop spreading hate. I'm sick of seeing these slippery-slope arguments of "soon we'll allow marriage of dogs". I think we've got at least a thousand more years until dog becomes a legally consenting party of marriage. Sure "this and this happened in Germany and in JAPAN someone married a building". Do you really believe our society will allow marriage to dogs and buildings AS A NORM? Also I feel insulted on behalf of the people you're equating to dogs.

This is basically just a pile of word vomit that I've been holding inside me for a while now. I don't mean to insult anyone but I do believe I too am entitled to my rage. If you disagree with me, that's fine. But please know that I'm not looking to fight about this. I have heard your arguments a lot, I've read your arguments in books and been taught these arguments in various situations. I'm not convinced, so please keep them to yourself from this post. Thank you.

Thanks for getting this far and I'm sorry I couldn't come up with anything more constructive than this.


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